We’re Praying for You!!
We know that there are many people on the prayer lists in churches everywhere. There are many that have asked for prayer and we also have many on our personal prayer lists. We thought this would be a great place to have a list, so our visitors could join us in prayer for those listed below. This list is compiled of churches and individual requests.
The way to do it is simple! God knows each and every person listed here. He knows their needs. He knows each hair on their head! So, when in prayer, all we ask is that you include this line – “Lord, bless those on the prayer list.” – and let God do the rest!!
Our Nation, our troops, medical personnel, those affected by COVID-19, Ukraine, the unspoken, Brother Ricky and Mrs. Lisa Stanford, Brother Donald and Mrs. Dessie Edge, Mavis Chism, Mona Ruth McNeese, Lynn Shields, Betty Mixon, Betty Carter, Kim Norris, Brother Terry Paul Graham, Caroline Van Asselberg, Rusty Reeves & family, Justin West, Emily O’Neal, Sally Roe, Will Aires, Linda Carruthers, Larry Stacey, Lauren Scott, James Mills, Trent Ross, Jennifer Davis, Crissy Monaghan, Dewayne Holloway, Diane Terrell, Macheryl Tillmon, Sheila Hogue, Hoyt Jordan, Ethan Dodd, Emily Vaughan, Natalie Griffin, Linda Reese, Laura Gagle, Gertrude Peterson, Linda Carter, Ruth Ann Gregs, Van Dabbs, JB Heard, Jim Kane, Sybil Wilkinson, Kayla Carter, Sandra Peebles, Bryan Fischer, Jennie Green, Junior Rock, Joyce Ellzey, Brother Jim Harrington, Robby Elan, Janice Cross, Andrea Parker, Wanda Panel, Junior Wilkinson, Kay Rogers, Jolene Hoots, Jim Thorne, Jennifer King, Ron Maxey, Courtney Moody, Charity Gallop, Rickey Adams, Luke Harris, Eddie Adams, Beth Smith, Remington Robinson, Jimmy Jarman, Bro. Mike Todd, Matt Butler, Sue Gosa, Gina Brown Wilkinson, Anna Williams, Irene Gregory, Timmy Tarrt, Wayne Edwards, Ludenne Gray, David Mitchell, Scott Manning, William Reedy, Danny Walker, Herman Mitchell, Connie Tullos, Annelle Scott, Keela Thorne, Quinn Parham, John, Madison & Baby Gilland Morgan, Earnest & Willestine Mitchell, Josie Keith, Wanda Guthery, Joe Reeves, Oliver Tynes, Ronnie Stanford, Alan Easter, Alisha Smith, Jerry Minor, Denise Williams, Pace Schoolar, Wayne Bolin, Scott Manning
If you would like to be on this list, or know of someone you would like to add, please let us know. We also ask that you please help us keep this page updated. If you know of a name to be taken off this list, share the story of how God has blessed them! We’ll post it too!!